Mirko Janssen

Hi, this is me :)

Domain-Driven Design

Domain-Driven Design

Something that frequently comes up when speaking about software development, architecture or something like that, that isn't about a specific framework or pattern, then it's for sure Domain-Driven [...] Read more

Posted on 19 May 2022 by Mirko Janssen 5 min

Test-Driven Development

Test-Driven Development

A few months ago, I had to read and busy myself with test-driven development (TDD) at work. We had some discussions about what makes good tests, what should be tested, and how to do test-driven [...] Read more

Posted on 01 May 2022 by Mirko Janssen 9 min

Agile Software Development

Agile Software Development

In this article, I wanted to write down some ideas and opinions I stumbled upon while discussing agile software development with colleagues or reading books and articles. I have been dealing with [...] Read more

Posted on 18 April 2022 by Mirko Janssen 10 min